Like our other periodicals, Ancient History is not written by in-house editors. We commission articles from expert authors all over the world. Anyone can submit a proposal for an article, either related to a particular theme (see below) or not. If you wish to submit a proposal (title/subtitle, abstract, and a brief biography of yourself), please contact the editor.

Ancient History 49

Theme: Diplomacy in the Hellenistic world

The Hellenistic period began with the division of Alexander the Great's empire among his generals, rivals, and enemies, into vast kingdoms. For nearly three hundred years, these kingdoms existed in a complex web of interconnecting relations, sometimes peaceful, sometimes violent. The history of the Hellenistic period is full of mentions of embassies and marriage alliances involving these kingdoms, and the many states they interacted with. This issue will examine diplomacy in the Hellenistic period.

Ancient History 50

Theme: The Age of Augustus

The emperor Augustus is one of the most well known figures from the ancient world. His reign marked a turning point in ancient history. For over forty years, he was the sole ruler of the Roman world - a remarkable length when compared to the reigns of his successors. His reign was one of both great continuity with Rome's Republican past, something Augustus himself was keen to share, and a time of great change. From turning Rome into a city of marble to legislation regarding morals, this issue will examine the age of Augustus.

Ancient History 51

Theme: Alcohol in Antiquity

Alcohol was a central element of ancient society. In societies such as the Greeks and Etruscans, drinking parties were both social events and opportunities for informal politicking. Commensality was an important element of Celtic society. Workers were given beer as part of their daily rations in ancient Egypt. As such, this issue will explore different societies' attitudes to alcohol and the many different contexts of consumption.

Ancient History 52

Theme: Roman North Africa

North Africa occupies an important but often overlooked position in the ancient Roman world. The region is most well known for being the home of Rome's greatest enemy - the city of Carthage - but it continued to be important long after the region was incorporated into the Roman world as the breadbasket of the city of Rome, a bastion of Christianity in the Roman west, and the home of the Severan dynasty. This issue will explore the many different elements of Roman North Africa.