After the beginning

This week, we will finish the first issue of Ancient History Magazine. If everything goes according to plan, it will be ready on Thursday. The contributors will have a couple of days for proofreading, and after that, a big file will be sent to the printer. If you have a subscription, you will receive your first issue in October, the exact date depending on where you live.
So, what’s next? The second issue will be about Caracalla and the first contributions are already in: Sidney Dean tackles Caracalla’s provincial government in Britain, Sadi Maréchal will be your guide in the famous bathhouse (illuminated by Ken Broeders, whose first sketches are intriguing), and Inge Mennen describes Caracalla’s mother, Julia Domna. This will be a well-rounded issue that presents the Emperor as a ruler, not a monster.
After this, there’s an issue on the city of Pergamon, for which the proposal deadline has passed, but you can still try sending me a proposal. The fourth issue of Ancient History Magazine will be devoted to “Egypt before the pyramids”. Issue five will be dedicated to a Greek mythological theme, issue six to something that has to do with ancient Rome, and the seventh issue will deal with Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.
We are also looking for new contributors. When we launched Ancient History Magazine, we invited some authors to help us get the first issues off the ground. Some of them had already proved their worth in Ancient Warfare, others were personal acquaintances, while two Dutch museums (the National Museum of Antiquities and the Allard Pierson Museum) have contributed, as well.
So consider this blog post an invitation to contribute to future issues of Ancient History Magazine. Read our editorial plan and if you think you can write an article related to our themes, or if you have another idea, feel free to write a brief proposal. Some guidelines are here. We need good writers – you’re all very welcome.
We have received two books, which are available for review: Peter Adamson’s Philosophy in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds (Oxford University Press) and Paul Chrystal’s Roman Women: The Women who Influenced the History of Rome (Fonthill). If you’re interested, please contact me via email and outline briefly why you would be qualified to review the book in question. Thanks!