Frostgrave Campaign
Things have been a little quiet at my local club the Brixham Berzerkers. I personally haven’t been able to attend due to a number of clashes (such as going on holiday and to Warfare 2015), so I feel partly guilty for not being there. What can I do to help the club out? Hmm… how about a Frostgrave Campaign? That should do the trick…

There’s nothing like an ongoing narrative to get people playing games, so my plan is to run the recently released ’Thaw of the Lich Lord’ campaign. What I like about this book is that it gives players another foe to fight. It’s not just Wizard vs Wizard, but a joint fight against a great ancient evil. To this end, I’ll be painting plenty of Cultists and Undead to join the ranks of the Lich Lord.

Evil Cultists (the best sort)
Right now, we’ve just finished WS&S 82 and sent it to the printer. It has a review of the new Cultist models from North Star. But of course, I’ve also been playing around with this and other sets, and I’ll share some pictures of my conversions next week. Moreover, I also have some of the excellent 4Ground Daldor ruins which will add to the boards along with a Cigar Box Battles snow mat, for quick setup. I’ve used both in the pics for this blog.

I plan to mainly stick to the scenarios in the book, but with a few tweaks as we’re likely to get more than just a few players. The main foe will be the Lich Lord’s minions but with plenty of chances for my guys to backstab their fellow players!

It should be loads of fun. We’re planning to start in mid January, which will give players time to paint up the models we need. We’ll also have a painting night or two to ready scenery and allow people to put the finishing touches to their models. If you’re in the Brixham (Devon, UK) area, please feel free to join in!