WSS Podcast 68: 3D or not 3D?
With Guy and Jasper still half-asleep, but overly excited about the ‘Arnhem weekend’, the team discusses the event, some aspects of 3D printing and the usual news, nonsense, and what we’ve been up to.
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1 comment
Can’t believe people are saying 3D printing is a problem. It’s a great development – apart from the advantages you guys have mentioned, it represents a return to the ‘cottage industry’ hobby of the 60s, 70s and 80s. Our hobby always was a ground-up hobby, and 3D printing means ordinary gamers can take the power back from the big manufacturers.
I have no intention of getting a printer but have found 3 or 4 small businesses online who print and sell the models I want for a very resonable price. And these are models the big manufacturers don’t want to produce – for example, models for the 1939 Polish campaign which were withdrawn by Battlefront when they stopped making enough money.