The Great Wargaming Survey 2017 - The Winners!
Everyone who entered this year’s Great Wargaming Survey had the opportunity to enter our prize draw. 7170 respondees chose to do so. We have only 18 prizes, so the chance to win wasn't great, but still much higher than the lottery!
We used a random number generator (this one if you’re curious) to spit out 18 numbers between 1 and 7170. Below is the list of winners. I’ll be contacting everyone today, but this is an obvious target for anti-spam measures, so feel free to check if your email address corresponds with a pattern below (three stars = three characters) and contact me at editor *AT*
Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you for all who took part. We still really appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey. And obviously, I’d like to express our gratitude to our sponsors for making the prizes listed below available.
So drum roll.... here are our winners...
- g***o*** The 4Ground Fyrburgh Fortress set.
- j*.** A Warlord starter set of the winner’s choice.
- b***e*** A Warlord plastic boxed set of the winner’s choice.
- j***h*** A Plastic Soldier Company boxed set of the winner’s choice.
- A*** A Gripping Beast plastic boxed set of the winner's choice.
- p*** A Rubicon Models plastic box set of the winner’s choice.
- j***d*** A Perry Miniatures plastic box set of the winner’s choice (ACW starter, Travel Battle set excluded)
- k*** An Osprey wargaming rulebooks of the winner’s choice.
- s***t***fel_*** An Osprey wargaming rulebooks of the winner’s choice.
- z***e*** The two latest wargaming books from Pen & Sword.
- T*** A ruleset of the winner’s choice from Peter Pig.
- o*** A rulesets of the winner’s choice from Peter Pig.
- b*** A Pendraken Army of the winner's choice.
- n*** Two copies of Baccus Polemos rules of the winner’s choice.
A finally three two-year subscriptions of to either Ancient Warfare, Medieval Warfare or Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy for:
- i***
- R***
- s***