Our calendar Advent-ure!
For our Advent Calendar this year, we are painting a selection of miniatures, which we hope will inspire others to join us. This year, we are joined by Angus Wallace, the host of our Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy podcast. We are also asking our readers to contribute if they'd like to join in.

Jasper: Even though the overwhelming majority of the games I’ve played the last few years have been set in WW2, I still entertain great ambitions for the AWI. That means regiments and more regiments. I’ve not actually tried to paint 20+ figures in one go in, well, forever. I prefer to paint in groups of 4-8 figures. To change things up and challenge myself a bit, I figured I’d turn it around. This advent, I’m painting the 28th of Foot for the AWI, hopefully from bare metal to based and with the King’s and Regimental colours…

Chris: I'm pretty keen to do something different for the WSS Advent-ure this year, so I've chosen a pack of hounds and their Celtic masters that I picked up as a bargain at Partizan this year. Whilst this is an ostensibly quite easy challenge for most, I struggle with painting animals and have real trouble working out natural-looking colours. I've also set himself an extra little painting challenge with this lot too...

Mark: I will be making and painting a few Macedonian pike phalanxes made by Lazercast Designs. These are 2mm scale and ingeniously made out of thin plywood. They will represent several thousand tightly packed men when finished! While they may not look much now, wait until I have them assembled.

Angus: This is my first Advent challenge, so I thought I'd go with helping an existing project. This is a 10mm US Marine section for The Liberation of South Vietnam rule set. I've gone with some excellent Pendraken Miniatures.

Guy: Ever keen to be on the cutting edge of the magazine, I decided to paint some plastic German Veterans sprues which are due to be released early in the new year by Warlord Games. We received a few samples to review for the next issue of the magazine,
I will be painting the veterans in France 1940 colours and mix them with some of the existing Warlord early war German range.

Expect daily updates from our team throughout the run-up to Christmas. If you'd like to contribute to our Advent Calendar, we'll show off the best entries. Please send pictures to editor@wssmagazine.com. #WSSAdvent24 #Wargaming