Ancient Warfare workshop at Aberystwyth University

One of the noteworthy developments in the last decade or two is the ever increasing interest in warfare in the ancient world. Indeed, Ancient Warfare magazine can be considered a part of this trend. Witness also, for example, the emergence of new approaches to the study of ancient warfare, not all of which I would qualify as successful. One example of a newish way of studying the field would be the so-called Face of Battle­ -­approach espoused by scholars like Victor Davis Hanson; another would be the more practical and experimental approach spearheaded by Barry Molloy, as demonstrated in the volume he edited entitled The Cutting Edge: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Combat (2007).

Similarly, recent years have seen a modest increase in conferences on ancient military matters. The First International Chariot Conference in Cairo last December, which I was fortunate enough to attend, is one example. This year, the Aberystwyth University, Bangor University and the University of Wales are organizing a joint workshop on Ancient warfare. It is undoubtedly of interest to readers of Ancient Warfare magazine.

The workshop is aimed at postgraduate students, early career researchers, as well as established academics. It will be held at Aberystwyth University from the 18th to the 20th of September. It is supposed to be multi-disciplinary (which is not the same as interdisciplinary, unfortunately), so researchers from any relevant discipline are encouraged to participate in the workshop.

If you want to contribute, you must send in an abstract of your proposed paper of around 300 words before the deadline of February 28th, 2013. All participants are required to pay the fee of £15; students get a discount. The proceedings from the workshop will be published. Please note that accommodation and meals are not arranged for the workshop, so you will have to arrange something yourself as far as housing and food are concerned.

For further information, you can contact Geoff Lee of the University of Wales (Trinity Saint David):

Update: 18 July 2013

More details have been made available regarding the conference in September. A total of 35 papers will be presented during the conference, grouped into four main themes: “art, artefacts and archaeology”, “Greek warfare”, “Roman warfare”, and “ancient warfare linking to Medieval warfare”. 

The keynote speaker will be Prof. Hans van Wees, a noted authority in the field of Homer and ancient warfare, author of Status Warriors (1992) and  Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities  (2004). He will present a paper entitled “How distinctive was the Greek hoplite? Heavy infantry in the Eastern Mediterranean and Mesopotamia.” 

The conference is open for bookings. Non-students will pay £25; students can register for £15. For further information, have a look at the detailed programme . There are also abstracts for the papers presented on the first , second , and third days .

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