Below is an overview of the content published to date in Medieval World: Culture & Conflict.

MWCC.1 - The Holy Roman Empire: Power, Wealth, and Military Might

  • Atineh Movsesian, "The Monuments of Artsakh: Documents of History, Culture, and Religion," 8-9.
  • Thomas Lockley, "Yasuke: An African Samurai in Japan," 10-13.
  • Duncan Hardy, "The Late Medieval Holy Roman Empire: Imperial Visions and Local Realities," 14-21.
  • Peter Konieczny, "The Last Knight: The Life and Legacy of Emperor Maximilian I," 22-25.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "Imperial Splendour: Armour and Regalia of the Holy Roman Emperors," 26-27.
  • Albert Winkler, "The Battle of Dornach: Swiss Pike Put a Stop to the Swabian War," 28-37.
  • Stephen Lahey, "The Hussites: Warfare and Reform in Bohemia," 38-43.
  • Ellora Bennett, "Destroyers and Protectors: Early Medieval British Warriors," 44-47.
  • Manon Henzen, "Only 194 Dishes to Go: Lunch for the Emperor," 48-49.
  • Kathryn Walton, "Putting a Ring on It: Magical Rings in Medieval Legend," 50-53.
  • Vicky McAlister, "Conwy and Harlech: The Welsh Castles of Edward I," 54-57.

MWCC.2 - The Kingdom of Kyivan Rus: Vibrant, Expansive, and Connected

  • Lubna Irfan, “Women and Authority in Medieval India: Political, Social, and Military Roles,” 6-9.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, “Exquisite Italian Woodwork: The Art of Medieval Chests,” 10-13.
  • Christian Raffensperger, “The Medieval Kingdom of Kyivan Rus: Expansive and Well-Connected,” 14-22.
  • Mike Markowitz, “The Coinage of Kyivan Rus: Byzantine Models and Local Adaptations,” 23.
  • Adrian Jusupović, “Bookmen, Scribes, and Literates: Writing in Rus between 1000-1400,” 24-27.
  • Donald Ostrowski, “The Mongol Campaigns in Rus in 1252: Searching for the Kniaginia,” 28-35.
  • Özlem Eren, “A Cathedral and Its Patron: Yaroslav the Wise and Saint Sophia in Kyiv,” 36-39.
  • Charles J. Halperin, “Kyivan Rus and the Mongols: Hostility and Accommodation,” 40-43.
  • Monica White, “Protective Warriors: Military Saints from Byzantium to Rus,” 44-47.
  • Kathryn Walton, “The Strange Tale of Brother Isaac: Holy Fools and the Lives of Medieval Monks,” 48-51.
  • Manon Henzen, “Fragrant and Full of Flavour: Spices in the Middle Ages,” 52-53.
  • Vicky McAlister, “Caernarfon and Beaumaris: The Welsh Castles of Edward I, part 4,” 54-57.

MWCC.3 - Medieval Women in Charge: Artists, Fighters, Leaders, Patrons

  • Robin McCallum, "The Bristol Rebellion, 1312-1316: From Dispute to Uprising," 8-11.
  • Thomas Banbury, "Showing Your Colours: Royal Equestrian Heraldry," 12-13.
  • Stephen Miller, "Christian Shoots, Pagan Roots: The Green Man in Medieval England," 14-17. 
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Queenship and Power: The Roles of Royal Women in the Global Middle Ages," 18-22. 
  • Peter Konieczny, "The Superstar of Baghdad: A Tale of Singing, Sexuality, and Slavery," 23.
  • Thomas Lockley, "The Killer and the Queen: Two Women Warriors of Medieval Japan," 24-27.
  • Rory MacLellan, "Women in the Military Orders: Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights," 28-35.
  • Susana Torres Prieto, "Anna Porphyrogenita: A Byzantine Empress at the Rusian Court," 36-39.
  • Rileigh K. Clarke, "Memorializing Margaret Holland: A Strategic and Visual Display of Identity," 40-41. 
  • Jessica O'Leary, "Eleonora and Beatrice of Aragon: Princesses of Diplomacy in the Late Middle Ages," 42-47. 
  • Vladimir Ivanovici, "Medieval Legends and Modern Myths: Manipulating History in Communist Romania," 48-49. 
  • Jeremy Solel, "On a Sea of Blood: The Battle of Hjörungavágr," 50-53. 
  • Manon Henzen, "The Lady of the Manor: In the Service of the Household," 54-55. 
  • Julia Faiers, "All that glisters... Gold: 50 Spectacular Manuscripts from Around the World," 56-57.

MWCC.4 - Medieval People up in Arms: Fighting for Towns and Communities

  • Claudia Haines, “Encountering Sainte Foy: Experiencing a Renowned Reliquary,” 8-11.
  • Thomas Banbury, “Livery Badges: Tactile English Heraldry," 12-13.
  • Paul Martin Remfy, “Keeping Up Your Castle: Exploring the Medieval Pipe Rolls, 1154-1216,” 14-17.
  • Tim Miller, “Living On The Edge: One Viking Woman’s Epic Journey,” 18-21. 
  • Regula Schmid Keeling, “Citizens in Arms: An Urban Take on Medieval Armies,” 22-25.
  • Elena Magli, “The Night Watch: Night-Time Quiet in the Medieval Town,” 26-27.
  • Justine Firnhaber-Baker, “Commoners Against Nobles: The French Jacquerie of 1358,” 28-35.
  • Daniel Jacquet, “Martial Experts: Members of the Clergy and Martial Activities,” 36-37.
  • Mathijs Roelofsen, “Brothers in Arms: Fribourg’s Armed Companies," 38-41.
  • Thomas Brosset, “Hostility and Fraternity: Besieged and Besiegers During the Crusades," 44-47.
  • Nicola Tallis, “Margaret of Anjou: ‘A grete and strong labourid woman’,” 48-49.
  • Kathryn Walton, “Legendary Weapons: A Few Famous Swords from Medieval Myth and Legend,” 50-53. 
  • Manon Henzen, “Showing Off at Dinner: Spectacular Banquet Dishes,” 54-55.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, 'Medieval Magical Powers: The Good, the Bad, and the Magic," 56.
  • Miriam Said, "Across time, space, and media - Feminine Power: The divine to the demonic," 57.

MWCC.5 - Connected and Contested - Sicily: A Medieval Island at the Crossroads

  • Luke Foddy, "The King at the Walls: The 1264 Battle of Northampton," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "A Brief History of Heraldry: Why is it everywhere?," 12-13.
  • Galen Ford, "The Colour of Chivalry: The Transformation of Maurice," 14-17.
  • Francesca Petrizzo, "'Children of Normans' in Medieval Sicily: Blended in a Complex Land," 18-23.
  • Nicola Bergamo, "Sicilian Battleground: The Arabs and Byzantines Clash (827-902)," 24-27.
  • Dawn Marie Hayes, "Roger II of Sicily: A Self-made Medieval Monarch," 28-34.
  • Mike Markowitz, "Medieval Coins of Sicily: Norman, Byzantine, and Islamic Models," 35.
  • Kristen Streahle, "From Soil to Scaffold: Medieval Painted Ceilings in Sicily," 36-39.
  • Caroline Bruzelius, "Sicily Through the Centuries: Destruction, Change, and Renewal," 40-43.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Eleanor of Aquitaine: Medieval Ruler, Rebel, and Renegade," 44-45.
  • Fabrizio Ansani, "The Bombard and the Book: The Cultural Impact of Gunpowder Artillery in Fifteenth-century Naples," 46-49.
  • Manon Henzen, "The Best of Two Worlds: Medieval Sicily's Culinary History," 50-51.
  • Kathryn Walton, "Barlaam and Josaphat: How Buddha Became a Christian Holy Man," 52-55.
  • Julia Faiers, "Crucible of Creativity: A Trip to Toulouse at the new Musée de Cluny," 56-57.

MWCC.6 - The World of Louis IX: King, Crusader, Patron, Saint

  • Marvin G. Haynes, "Bloody Waters: The Imjin War at Sea, 1592-1598," 8-13.
  • Robert Jones, "Heraldic Roots: Origins and Early Development," 14-15.
  • M. Cecilia Gaposchkin, "'The most Christian king': The World of Louis IX," 16-23.
  • William E. Welsh, "Disaster in the Delta: Louis' Seventh Crusade," 24-27.
  • Nicholas Morton, "Louis and the Mongols: Eurasian Geopolitics and the Tides of War and Diplomacy," 28-33.
  • Sean L. Field, "Louis IX's Large Family: Powerful Women of the Capetian Court," 34-37.
  • Lindy Grant, "Blanche of Castile: The Mother of Louis IX," 38-41.
  • Magdalena Lanuszka, "Wawel Hill: The Real 'House of the Dragon'," 42-45.
  • Andrew G. Ralston, "'A stately edifice of large extent': Glasgow's Medieval Cathedral," 46-47.
  • Brandon M. Bender, "Æthelred versus Cnut: The English Campaigns of 1014," 48-51.
  • Manon Henzen, "Blanc Manger: Chicken pudding anyone?" 52-53.
  • Adrian Gheorghe, "Dracula's Men: The Equipment and Tactics of Wallachian Soldiers," 54-57.

MWCC.7 - Discerning Medieval Mysteries: Enigmatic Texts, Images, and Objects

  • Alberto Virdis, "The Abbey Church of Saint-Denis: The Cradle of Gothic Art," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "Knightly Markers: Heraldry on the Battlefield," 12-13.
  • Jeremy Solel, "The Battle of Svolder: The End of Olad Tryggvason," 14-17.
  • Kathryn Walton, "The Mysterious Middle Ages: Searching for Evidence in the Past," 18-21.
  • Lisa Fagin Davis, "The World's Most Mysterious Manuscript: Beinecke MS 408," 22-25.
  • Andrew R. Casper, "The Shroud of Turin: Christianity's Most Famous Relic," 26-33.
  • Siddhant A. Joshi, "A Medieval Cold Case: Killing the King of Jerusalem," 34-37.
  • Nancy Marie Brown, "The Mystery of the Lewis Chessmen: Legends & Theories," 38-39.
  • Jean Chandler, "War Books of Medieval Germany: Military Innovation, Art, and Engineering," 40-43.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Sitt al Mulk: Prisoner, Diplomat, and Regent," 44-45.
  • Jonathan H. Jones, "The Edge of Destruction: The Battle of the Blanchetaque Ford," 46-51.
  • Manon Henzen, "Bread: A Medieval Food Mystery," 52-53.
  • William E. Welsh, "Jalal al-Din's Quest: Reviving the Khwarezmian Empire," 54-57.

MWCC.8 - Byzantium under Justinian I: Conflicts, Cultures, and Connections

  • Alexander R. Brondarbit, "The Royal Household: Power, Patronage, and Problems," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "Non-Knightly Heraldry: A Medieval Social Shorthand," 12-13.
  • Jonathan H. Jones, "The Battle of Crecy: A Decisive English Victory," 14-17.
  • Michael G. Stroud, "Justinian's Byzantium: Imperial Ambitions and Failed Strategy," 18-23.
  • Michael Edward Stewart, "Procopius of Caesarea: The Witness and His Sources," 24-25.
  • Jeremy Solel, "Seeing Blue and Green: The Nika Riots, January 532," 26-33.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "Hagia Sophia: Justinian's Monumental Great Church," 34-37.
  • Murray Dahm, "The Wars of Justinian I: The Brilliance of Belisarius," 38-41.
  • David Alan Parnell, "The Emperor Did Not Rule Alone: Justinian, Theodora, Belisarius, and Antonina," 42-45.
  • Peter Konieczny, "Gothic Boxwood Miniatures: Objects of Amazing and Mysterious Detail," 46-47.
  • Manon Henzen, "Food for the Eyes: Food Colouring in the Middle Ages," 48-49.
  • Adam Ali, "The Battle of Marj Dabiq: The End of the Mamluk Sultanate," 50-55.
  • Robert Jones, "All the King's Swords: The Sharp End of Royal Coronations," 56-57.

MWCC.9 - The Byzantine Network: Diplomacy, Patronage, and Exchange

  • Antonios Vratimos, "The Battle of Manzikert: Seeing the Ottoman Perspective," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "Heralds: Their Roles and Development," 12-13.
  • Rowdy Geirsson, "Glory in Death: Sweden's Magnificent Pre-Viking Graves," 14-19.
  • Murray Dahm, "A Way with Words: The Impact of Byzantine Diplomacy," 20-23.
  • Tim Miller, "When Translation was King: How the Gift of a Greek Manuscript Changed Medieval Spain," 24-27. 
  • Siren Çelik, "A Byzantine Emperor in Europe: The Travels of Manuel II Palaiologos," 28-33.
  • Zachary Chitwood, "Pilgrims, Patrons, and Potentates: Journeys to and from Mount Athos," 34-37.
  • Andrea Mattiello, "Isabella de Lusignan: A Byzantine Queen of Morea," 38-41.
  • Manon Henzen, "Hypocras: A Delightfully Sweet and Spiced Wine" 42-43.
  • Michael S. Curl, "Mounted Lance Combat: Principles and Techniques," 44-49.
  • Kathryn Walton, "The Foulest One of All: The Legend of the Loathly Lady," 50-53.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Joanna of Sicily: Queen, Countess, Pawn?," 54-55.
  • Julia Faiers, "Book review: Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages," 56.
  • Ralph Moffat, "Book review: A Cultural History of the Medieval Sword," 57.

MWCC.10 - Followers of Benedict: Religion, Ritual, and Reform

  • Javier G. de Gabiola, "The Battle of El Salado, 1340: A Failed Betrayal," 8-13.
  • Noëlle Phillips, "'Beer and Brewing: The 'people's beverage' in Europe's Middle Ages," 14-17.
  • James G. Clark, "The Benedictines: The Rise of Monastic Religion," 18-25.
  • James G. Clark, "Saint Benedict and His Rule: Guidance for Living a Good Monastic Life," 26-27.
  • Francis Young, "The Benedictine Revolution: Monastic Life and Transformations in the Medieval Church," 28-33.
  • Alfons Zettler, "The Plan of St. Gall: A Curious and Special Puzzle," 34-35.
  • Beth Williamson, "Westminster Abbey: Royal Patronage and Political Power," 36-39.
  • Robert Jones, "Badges and Liveries: Forms of Communal Display," 40-41.
  • Adam Ali, "Demons, Djinns, and Devils: Legends of the Medieval Muslim World," 42-47.
  • Manon Henzen, "That's no baloney: Making your Own Medieval Sausage," 48-49.
  • Thomas Lockley, "Pirates of the East: Trade, Riches, and Instability," 50-53.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Wu Zetian: Consort, Regnant, and Ruler," 54-55.
  • Tim Miller, "Book review: Beowulf: A Poem," 56.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Book review: The Earth Transformed: An Untold History," 57. 

MWCC.11 - Charles IV of Bohemia: Power, Patronage, Piety, and Identity

  • M. G. Haynes, "Tsushima Island: Bloody Stepping Stone to Japan," 8-13.
  • Robert Jones, "It's in the mail: The Myth of the Knight in Shinning Armour," 14-15.
  • Conor Robison, "'The Battle of Adrianople: 'Who would never consent to flee'," 16-19.
  • Petr Uličný, "Charles IV of Bohemia: A Fortunate, Rational, and Pious Ruler," 20-21.
  • Petr Uličný, "A New Charles: How Religion Shaped the Bohemian King," 22-27.
  • Jana Gajdošová, "The Charles Bridge: Staging Processions in Medieval Prague," 28-33.
  • Václav Žůrek, "A Ruler's Dual Identity: Wenceslaus and Charles," 34-35.
  • Václav Žůrek, "Cultural & Political Superpowers: Prague and Bohemia under Charles IV," 36-39.
  • Mateusz Grzęda, "The likenesses of Charles IV: Individualized and Idealized Depictions," 40-43.
  • Sean Manning, "Give point! Swords & Armour at Benevento," 44-47.
  • Jona Lendering, "Creating the Quran: The Earliest Roots of the Islamic Faith," 48-51.
  • Kathryn Walton, "The Turtle's Husband: The Legend of Urashima the Fisherman," 52-55.
  • Tim Miller, "Book review: Beowulf and the North before the Vikings," 56.
  • Conor Robison, "Book review: Victory in the East: A Military History of the First Crusade," 57. 

MWCC.12 - Festivals and Revels: Celebrating in the Medieval World

  • Krisztina Ilko, "The Game of Kings: The Origins, Forms, and Functions of Chess," 8-13.
  • Robert Jones, "Armour & Fashion: High-end Designs and Decorations," 14-15.
  • Joep Hermans, "The Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1215: Politics, Papal Power, and the Cathars," 16-19.
  • Nicola Bergamo, "Medieval Festivals: Entertaining the Masses:," 20-27.
  • James G. Clark, "Midwinter Madness: Festivals of Boys, Fools, and Misrule," 28-33.
  • Peter Konieczny, "Wild days in Cairo: Nowruz in Medieval Egypt," 34-37.
  • Murray Dahm, "Feast or Famine: Food at Medieval Festivals," 38-41.
  • M.G. Haynes, "Songs of Flying Dragons: The Creation of Hangul," 42-45.
  • Tim Miller, "The Original Wizard: Merlin in Legend and Literature," 46-49.
  • Chassica Kirchhoff, "The Afterlives of Armour: Image, Imagination, and Memory," 50-55.
  • Steffen Hope, "Book review: Dragon Lords: The History and Legends of Viking England," 56. 
  • Tim Miller, "Book review: Desert Ascetics of Egypt," 57. 

MWCC.13 - A New Spanish Empire: Warfare, Religion, and Exploration

  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "Saint Basil's Cathedral: Moscow's Jewel and Cultural Icon," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "A Weighty Matter: Moving and Fighting in Armour," 12-13.
  • Michael Kister, "The Battle that Never Was: Punta Salvore and the Myth of Venice," 14-17.
  • Jonathan Jones, "Famous 1492: The Year that Changed Spain," 18-21.
  • Tim Miller, "Our hearts melted and turned to water: The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain," 22-27.
  • Javier G. de Gabiola, "The Granada War: Driving the Nasrids from Spain (1482-1492)," 28-35.
  • Susan Abernethy, "Isabella and Ferdinand: Cultural, Religious, and Dynastic Legacies," 36-39.
  • Murray Dahm, "The Age of Discovery: Portugal and Spain 'find' the World," 40-45.
  • Thomas Lockley, "The 'enslaved gentlemen': A Trip from Japan to England," 46-49.
  • Mark Lewis, "The 'jagged sword' of Poland: Deciphering a Royal Talisman," 50-53.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Seondeok of Silla: Rulership, Rebellion, and Religion," 54-55.
  • Murray Dahm, "Book review: Agincourt: Battle of the Scarred King," 56.
  • Tim Miller, "Book review: Judaism in South India, 849-1489: Relocating Malabar Jewry," 57.

MWCC.14 - The Medieval Baltic: Trade, Warfare, and Diplomacy

  • Robert Jones, "Well protected? The strength of medieval armour," 8-9.
  • Paul Aitchison, "Charles Martel: The progenitor of Europe," 10-15.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "A Frontier and a Crossroads: Trade and Power in the Medieval Baltic," 16-19.
  • Anti Selart, "Medieval Livonia: Connected and Contested," 20-23.
  • Jeremy Solel, "Livonian Brothers of the Sword: Conquering in Christ's Name," 24-27.
  • Jean Henri Chandler, "The Anglo-Hanseatic War: An Old Sea Bird and the Last Judgement," 28-35.
  • Lehti Mairike Keelmann, "The Brotherhood of the Blackheads: Medieval Tallinn's Wealthy Merchants," 36-39.
  • Sean Manning, "Feeding Northumberland's House: A Late Medieval Household Budget," 40-41.
  • James G. Clark, "The legend of Loreto: Mary's Humble, Holy House," 42-45.
  • Ian Ross, "Kenilworth 1266: England's Greatest Siege," 46-49.
  • Jonathan H. Jones, "Viking York: Life and Conflict in Medieval Jórvík," 50-53.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Theophanu: Empress, Ruler, and Rival," 54-55.
  • Dan Spencer, "Book review: Gunpowder Technology in the Fifteenth Century: A Study, Edition and Translation of the Firework Book," 56.
  • Tim Miller, "Book review: Shared Saints and Festivals Among Jews, Christians,
    and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean
    ," 57.