A curry night in with friends
Gaming is good, for the mind and for the soul. Meeting friends and having fun, rolling dice and pushing lead and plastic, what could be better? However, preparing your forces for future games can also be a fun pastime with friends.

HMS Eskimo
A week ago, we chose not to game on our regular Friday night slot. Instead, we decided to do something else and have a painting session and a curry! Rossco W and Chris K (Aka Admiral Drax) arranged to join me, so I ordered the curry to arrive when they did.

Chris prepares to de-hull the destroyer.
The order was almost perfectly timed, the curry turned up just before Chris arrived. Our local Indian takeaway, Ghurka Spice, has a good delivery service. Rossco was working on some 28mm Kriegsmarine converted from the plastic greatcoat Germans, inspired by the new TV series Das Boot.
Chris and I were working on Cruel Seas related projects. I was converting a Warlord plastic Vosper to a Mark 2 (I'll cover this in a future blog). Chris was building a Tribal Class destroyer (180 hull points of sheer meanness!). It was to prove devastating in our next game on Wednesday, sinking an F Lighter and an M Class minesweeper while only taking minor damage. Boom, boom, boom!
Even Tabsy the cat wanted to join in, insisting on falling asleep in the middle of our painting table. All in all a good night and we all managed to get in some quality modelling time, despite cat interference!
And did I mention the decent curry?