Hereward wargames show 2020
It was a delight to visit the virtual Hereward Wargames Show held on 6th September. Mike Whittaker, from Peterborough Wargames Club had done a great job of bringing together a range of interesting online content. Free to view, it could be watched live or enjoyed afterwards at:
First up was a super talk about using Saga for Viking age naval battles, by Simon Stokes of the Naval Wargames society.
This was followed by a really interesting introduction to an English Civil War skirmish at Stilton in 1645 by Grahame Middleton and Andrew Riley. At a show, such a game might be passed by with a “oh that looks nice” comment. Being able to hear more about the background and the research they had conducted really helped bring the tabletop encounter using Pikemen’s Lament to life.
Also on offer were several engaging debates between leading luminaries. Harry Sidebottom, acclaimed academic and author of the Warrior of Rome series, discussed with Richard Clarke of TwoFatLardies about historical fiction and wargaming. The slant here was very focussed on the Roman World. It was however, a wonderful companion while I added paint to another legion.
Later in the afternoon, there was a longer video of the Battle of Stilton. This was followed by a magnificent game run by James Morris and chums. His ‘Waylaid by Axes’ scenario demonstrated a play test of his new rules under development. The was game set in the early years of Middle Earth and a force of Orcs was trying to escape from an Elf and Dwarf pincer movement.

The Orcs try to make a dash for it as the Elf cavalry close in!
The finale was another debate following up the recent discussion on Little Wars TV about whether historical gaming is dying. Annie Norman, Ilan Mitchell Smith, Jay Arnold and Henry Hyde all took part in this lengthy debate between gamers on both sides of the Atlantic.
With no other games shows running I am hugely grateful to Mike and the contributors for giving me such a pleasant distraction. Being online I saved on diesel, impulse purchases, and won brownie points but not having a whole day out. I was able to visit a show while still doing household chores and maintaining harmonious bliss! I’m looking forward to seeing The Virtual Other Partizan soon now!