Our Four Emperors campaign - down but not out…
The current Pandemic has put paid to some of our more lofty ambitions, one of which was the Four Emperors campaign we started back in Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 107.
While Covid may have stemmed our tabletop gaming, it has not stopped the preparations for our eventual campaign. We have not been idle and a few tentative practice games have been played.

James' mighty Roman army.
Three of our gamers now have fine armies. Ben has finished his Romans and James is putting the finishing touches to his. Chris has posted blogs here and here before on his growing Celtic forces. Mine admittedly need some more work!
The virus has enabled most of us to have some more time for our hobbies, which is mostly good. Hopefully, as the disease progresses and the situation improves, we'll be back to some form of normal or a new normal. Either way, we'll be holding a mini tournament and get some serious gaming done eventually.
For now, we just have to take it easy - and get more painting done instead!