To the sound of the guns
In my last blog, I spoke about my attempts to paint Russian Napoleonic infantry for a Borodino game we have planned for later this year. While the infantry are coming along at quite a pace (with nearly two units done), they will need some combined arms and support. I have plans to paint some cavalry (probably Cossacks) but artillery are first on my ‘to do’ list. Apologies on the pictures, these are not so great.

The Russians had quite an impressive arsenal of artillery, including their famous Lincorne gun and the impressive 12 pounder - surely a must for every Russian General. I’m ignoring these tasty additions - for now at least - and painting some practical 6 pounders for the game.

I started the guns with a grey undercoat - I must admit being influenced by Christy’s WSS YouTube channel. She always uses grey - it is good compromise between black and white. Black is great for covering recesses but lighter colors going over it often need multiple coats. I did some research on Russian gun colours and they were described as an ‘apple’ green (which could be any shade) to a blue green. I opted for a blue green, choosing Revell Aqua Color Sea Green (48).

The metallic furnishings were covered in Black Grey (Vallejo Model Color 950) and the gun barrel painted Brass (VMC 801). The entire gun was washed with a black wash (Army Painter Dark Tone) before adding some highlights of the Sea Green mixed with a touch of Ivory (VMC 918). The artillery crew were painted in a similar fashion to my Russian infantry (see my previous blog).

So now I have one 6 pounder finished, another two to go. Maybe I will invest in a 12 pounder battery but for the time being i have enough to be getting on with. Hmm maybe some Cossacks next!