Ancient Warfare XVII.2

Format:Print edition
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After two decades of war, Alexander's successors had found a delicate balance. When Ptolemy's wayward son managed to destabilize matters, the Celts grabbed their chance.

Theme: The Celtic invasion of Greece

  • Stefanos Skarmintzos, 'The Celtic invasion of the Greek world - A fierce flood'.
  • Gustavo Garcia, 'The Celtic panoply, as worn around 279 BC - The Celts of Brennus'.
  • Myke Cole and Michael Livingston, 'Not the one you are probably thinking of - The Battle of Thermopylae'.
  • Alberto Pérez Rubio, 'The birth & origins of the Celtic polities - Sons of Teutates'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Celts agains the gods - The Battle of Delphi'.


  • Wolfgang Wilsch and Boris Dreyer, 'The "impact" of the Roman onager - Kicked by a donkey'.
  • Jo Ball, 'The tombstone of Marcus Aemilius Durises - Dining with the dead'.
  • Duncan B. Campbell, 'Elephants or war-machines - A historian's dilemma'.
  • Davide Piccirillo, 'The iconography of the Samnite Warrior - Heavy infantry or skirmisher?'.
  • Anneka Rene, 'The Spartan cavalry conundrum - Champing at the bit'.



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