2013 Christmas Special

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TooFatLardies' 2012 Christmas Special contains 150 pages packed with wargaming goodness: ideas, scenarios, and even complete rule sets for games and campaigns. Here’s what’s inside:

  • Introduction: A Festive welcome
  • Venta Icenorum: What unpleasant surprise awaits the homecoming King in this scenario for Dux Britanniarum?
  • A Village In Normandy: A historical account of the scene of some of D-Day’s toughest fighting. Scenarios for IABSM and Chain of Command
  • Everybody Look What’s Going Down: A Vietnam scenario for Charlie Don’t Surf.
  • All at Sea: A campaign background for an exciting fight in the Indian Ocean with Sharp Practice and Kiss Me Hardy
  • All Quiet on the Central Front: An advanced look at I Ain’t Been Nuked Mum. The forthcoming “Lard Approved” Cold War rules.
  • Modelling Continuous Exposure to Combat: Mike Whitaker looks at the effects of combat on men and how to reflect this in our games.
  • You Dirty Rats - The Rules:  We head for 1930s Chicago with a card chase gangster game. A complete set of rules and cards ready to play.
  • Chain of Command Espana: An introduction to the Spanish Civil War version of Chain of Command. Peninsula Infantry and Cavalry start off the Army list collection.
  • The Roundwood Report: Sidney investigates all the news and opinions on Lard Island.
  • Scenario Seven: The seventh Scenario for Chain of Command. Mike Brian provides a welcome addition to the rules.
  • One Gun to Rule Them All: Dr Arrigo Vellicogna looks at the development and deployment of the Sherman 76mm.
  • Emerson’s Exit: Jim Jackaman takes a look at designing scenarios for Bag the Hun and provides us with a historical refight.
  • Carros Blindados, Autoametrelladoras & Tizanos. 1936: Jim Hale looks at impromptu armoured vehicles in the first year of the Spanish Civil War
  • Playing Chain of Command with Platoon Forward: Joe Legan tells us how he combines our latest rules with his classic campaign generator
  • Scenario Thirteen: Robert Avery gives us more at Christmas
  • Force Morale, Your Flexible Friend: Developing the concept of Force Morale further, we look at representing different unit types and applying the system to IABSM
  • Staghounds & Dynamite: A scenario for I Ain’t Been Shot Mum as Kiwis take on the Jerries in Italy
  • Hens, Chicks & Spanish Drivers: Jim Hale provides us with details of tanks in the Spanish Civil War for Chain of Command
  • Random Events in Chain of Command: Mike Brian provides some more random events ideas
  • One Dark Night: Don’t Panic! The Home Guard take on a German landing party intent on rescuing a spy. A scenario for Chain of Command
  • In Flanders Fields: Anticipating next year’s 100th anniversary, we look at 1914 infantry tactics
  • In the Last Ditch Again: A Through the Mud & the Blood scenario for the retreat from Mons, 1914
  • Hell & Heroism: Ben Fiene presents three Chain of Command scenarios set around the battle for Hannut in May 1940.

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