Medieval Warfare VIII.4

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Sverrir Sigurdsson leads the Birkebeiner to victory, but can they hold off the Bagler and keep control of Norway?

Theme: Birkebeiner versus Bagler

  • Peter Konieczny, 'Humble beginnings, bold dreams - Coming to Norway'.
  • Beñat Elortza, 'A grand victory during an hour of need - The Battle of Fimreite',
  • Hörður Barðdal, '"The hungry louse bites hardest" - Sverrir the guerrilla fighter'.
  • Carolyne Larrington, 'The gods who need fighters - Norse mythology and warfare'.
  • Ármann Jakobsson, 'A subtle and strongly ideological narrative - Sverris Saga'.
  • Randall Moffett, 'Sverrir's men and chessmen - The Norwegian freeman soldier'.
  • Megan Arnott, 'Sverrir's right to the throne is challenged - Birkebeiner versus Bagler'.
  • Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, '"The blade did not shatter or break" - The sword of the Volsungs'.
  • Brian Burfield, '"As if struck by a lethal arrow" - Warfare during the Black Death'.
  • Adam Ali, 'Diversity in medieval Islamic armies - Warriors of the Abbasid Caliphate'.
  • Giulia Calabrò, 'The Ottoman Empire versus Venice - The Siege of Scutari, 1474'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'More Norsemen on film - Blood, guts, and Vikings'.

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