Ancient Warfare VIII.1

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Overthrowing the government of a city, abandoning your duty as a soldier during wartime, giving strategic information to the enemy: there were many ways in which traitors could betray and damage their country in antiquity. People like Alcibiades gained notoriety and infamy for their actions, but oftentimes, the line between traitor and hero was quite grey.

Theme: Traitors, deserters and defectors

  • Josho Brouwers, "Historical introduction"
  • Mark McCaffery, "Conspiracy of Catiline" (Source)
  • Sidney E. Dean, "David's treason against Saul"
  • Barry Webb, "Jeremiah and Josephus: brothers in betrayal?"
  • Gareth Williams, "Demaratus"
  • Seán Hußmann, "Alcibiades"
  • Arnold Blumberg, "Memnon of Rhodes"
  • Michael Taylor, "Antiochus' war against Achaeus"
  • Steven Weingarten, "Suppiluliuma I" (Special)
  • Duncan B. Campbell, "Where is Mons Graupius?" (Debate)

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