Lard Magazine 2 2019 (PDF)

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Lard Magazine 2019 tops the scales at a whopping 190 pages packed with Lard. Scenarios, complete campaigns, rules amendments, fresh periods to game, previews of future rule sets, build projects unveiled and a whole host of other wargaming fun, written by wargamers for wargames.

Here’s a full list of the contents.

  • A DEKKO AT RECCE: Nick Skinner takes a look at British Recce for Chain of Command.
  • THE BRIDGE AT SAINDOUX: We send a British Recce Troop on a mission to see if a bridge will take Nick’s weight.
  • TO SLEEP IS TO DIE: John Savage tells the story of his award-winning scenario for Sharp Practice set during the retreat from Moscow. Includes scenario.
  • 2019 – A YEAR OF LARD: 12 months is a long time in the world of Lard. Richard Clarke & Nick Skinner have an alibi for all of it.
  • BLOODY OMAHA: Mike Whitaker tells the story of an obsession with this scenario for I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum!
  • BAHAMAS BROADSIDE: Chris Stoesen sails the seven seas and offers this small ship scenario for Kiss Me Hardy.
  • TOTENSONNTAG: Marc Renouf presents a pint-sized campaign set against the background of Operation Crusader, 1941.
  • A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS: David Hunter, Lardy event organiser par excellence, shares his reflections and learnings on Lardy Games Days.
  • ASSAULT ON PELELIU: Hit the beach with this scenario for I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum from the pen of Tim Whitworth.
  • THE FRENCH CAVALRY CHARGES AT WATERLOO: Wargaming superstar and housewife’s favourite David C R Brown peeks out from behind his cuirass to share the ultimate cavalry scenario for General D’Armee
  • THE CANNONBALL RUN: Richard Clarke’s cupola runneth over with this breakout game for What a Tanker!
  • BATTLE OF KARNSTEIN: Tom McKinnell takes us to the Eastern Front for a Chain of Command Scenario with a difference.
  • THE LONGEST YOMP: Rising talent Ioan Davis John takes us to the South Atlantic for this adaptation of Chain of Command for the Falklands War.
  • I AIN’T BEEN COC’D YET, MUM!: Whilst working in the lab, late one night Desmondo Darkin created something… you need to see this.
  • CRUNCH AT KURSK: Nick Skinner presents a Bag the Hun dogfight scenario for the skies above Kursk.
  • PUSHING THE ENVELOPE: Nothing is ever big enough for Simon Walker. Here he shares his thoughts on extending Sharp Practice into the Victorian Wars of the late 1890s and beyond.
  • IT’S THE RIEL THING: Simon Walker rises again and takes us to the depths of Canada for this Sharp Practice expansion.
  • GET CARTER!: Richard Clarke teases us with a scenario for the Riel Rebellion.
  • RETREAT TO THE BEREZINA: John Savage walks on frozen water with another 1812 scenario for Sharp Practice.
  • WHAT A WHIZZ OF A WIZ…: Richard Clarke and Nick Skinner finally complete Sidney’s Battlefield Challenge with the creation of this Chain of Command scenario for the 1944 fighting in the woods near Best, Holland.
  • INFAMY, INFAMY: Richard Clarke offers an exclusive peek into an exciting new rule set headed your way in 2020. Blimus!

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