Survey for a new magazine

For some time, we’ve had an idea here in the office about starting a new magazine, one devoted more generally to the ancient world. It would, therefore, be broader in scope than Ancient Warfare and cover topics such as ancient politics, society, economics, religion, and culture (art and architecture, and so on).

In order to gauge interest in such a magazine, we’ve designed a survey that we hope you want to have a look at. You can also freely share the URL to this survey with anyone that you think has an interest in a magazine on the ancient world:

The survey consists of 15 questions and should take about ten minutes to fill in.

The new magazine – which we’re tentatively calling Ancient History Magazine or AHM for short – will have a format similar to Ancient Warfare. This means that each issue will focus on a particular theme and will be richly illustrated throughout with full-colour photos and custom artwork. We are currently aiming for 60 pages for each bimonthly issue, perhaps a little more.

Starting a new magazine is expensive, though, so we want to make sure that there is a demand for a magazine like this. As far as we know, there isn’t anything comparable in the market today. That gives us hope, but it remains a risky proposition. That is why, in the survey, we ask if you would be willing to support a Kickstarter campaign.

So, exciting times ahead! Please take ten minutes to fill in the survey. If you enter your email address at the end, you are also eligible to win a prize. And anyone who fills in the survey will get a discount code you can use in our webshop.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to post them in the comments or send them to us via our contact form.

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