Painting Challenge - Final Projects Completed!
When encouraged by the Editor back in November to take part in this winter's Analogue Hobbie Painting Challenge, I was excited at first. Then cautious.
Then daunted.
Well, I set myself a target of 500 painting points - as outlined before - and I'm delighted to note that I plunged headlong through the finishing tape with a fairly respectable 552 points. Woo-hoo!
Here are the final bits and bobs:
Firstly, two objectives for my WW2 British paras in 1/56 (the absolutely fantastic one-piece resin casts, by the way, are from 1st Corps); the wrecked jeep also netting me the bonus points for meeting the criteria for the theme of 'trap!':

Next, I used the wonderful GW Contrast paints to quickly blast through a box of 30 Gripping Beast Dark Ages Archers - considering how simple the minis are, these are as wonderfully characterful as they are wonderfully utilitarian: I plan to use them for a range of different systems [and maybe even as temporary proxies for my 'Ancients' - shh!]. Please accept my apologies for these pics not turning out very clearly - I was unable to access my normal light box:

Finally, this Warlord Games giveaway model of 'Sir Simon the Templar', which was this time part-painted with contrast paints (not the metal bits!) and - being a gift - was left unbased beyond the in-built plinth:
So I made it: I got a lot of bits painted that might otherwise have languished, and I was proud of my efforts. Incidentally, the link to the painting challenge at the top of this post takes you to the statistical analysis of the challenge's numbers, so I can claim with confidence that my submissions alone accounted for 18.56% of all of the 28mm/1-56 vehicles completed!
Until next time,
- Chris