Ancient History Magazine 33

Format:Print edition
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While we tend to view the Celts as monolithic, they were in fact a collection of geographically and chronologically diverse peoples with certain shared cultural traits. In this issue, we try to understand these common threads.

World of the Celts

  • Raimond Karl, 'Reconstructing ancient societies - Who were the Celts'.
  • Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof, 'Early Iron Age elites in the Low Countries - Fragmenting the chieftain'.
  • Lindsay Powell, 'Always ready for a fight - The Celts at war'.
  • Jeffrey King, 'Alcohol and feasting in Celtic culture - A slave in exchange for a drink'.
  • Daniel Kershaw, 'Warrior queen and feminist icon - Boudicca'.
  • James Blake Wiener, 'Treasures of the Medelhavsmuseet - From Cyprus to Sweden'.
  • Rebecca Batley, 'Archaeology and Roman coins - Learning from Numismatics'.
  • Lindsay Powell, 'One of ancient Rome's most beautiful buildings - The Temple of Mars Ultor'.
  • Arienne King, 'From popularity to decline - Rome and the Cult of Isis'.
  • Svenja Fabian and Wim van Broekhoven, 'Hand signs in the arena - Pollice verso'.
  • Manon Henzen, 'Roman-style cheese sandwiches - Say cheese!'.

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