Ancient History Magazine 8

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Eat, drink, and be merry! This issue deals with what people ate and drank in the ancient world and also touches upon dining customs.

Theme: Food in the ancient world

  • Manon Henzen, 'Food and eating in the ancient world - Eat, drink and be merry'.
  • Matthew Lloyd, 'Intoxication in ancient Greece and Rome - The gift of Dionysus'.
  • Manon Henzen, 'Cooking with Apicius - Wine, olives and grains'.
  • Owen Rees, 'The best thing since sliced figs - Bread in the ancient world'.
  • Sarah Rijziger, 'Food in Yemen before the coming of Islam - Bring with you a full sack of flour'.
  • Matthew Beazley, 'Decadent dining while horizontal - A Roman feast'.
  • Josho Brouwers, 'The number: Three - The Mediterranean triad'.
  • Erich B. Anderson, 'Garum, Rome's favourite condiment - Something fishy'.
  • Josho Brouwers, 'Suggested reading for this issue - Food for thought'.


  • Lauren van Zoonen, 'The famous Venus of Milo - Contested beauty'.
  • Gert M. Knepper, 'Was Diagoras from Melos a non-believer? - An atheist in Athens'.
  • Danièle Cybulskie, 'A time traveller's guide to - The toga'.
  • Peter Konieczny, 'Top ten strangest deaths of Roman emperors'.
  • Josho Brouwers, 'A fearsome heroine for the ages - Atalanta'.
  • Kees Alders, An overview of Hellenistic philosophy - Adding it all up'.

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