Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 134

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In this issue of WS&S, we look at rebellions, revolts, and uprisings during the ancient and medieval era. Yes, the peasants are revolting (and sometimes even winning)!

Theme: The peasants are revolting
  • Guy Bowers, 'A look at peasant armies in the Middle Ages - Peasants rise up!'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'A campaign game for the Third Servile War - I am Spartacus'.
  • Eltjo Verweij, 'How Bishop Otto II was scalped in a swamp - The 1227 Battle of Ane'.
  • Rob Jones, 'The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 - When Adam delved and Eve span'.
  • Eoghan Kelly, 'Refighting the Battle of Leipheim: 4 April, 1525 - The devil's work'.
  • Guy Bowers, 'Planning a miniature peasant revolt - Cast off the yoke of bondage'.
  • Toby Thornton, 'The German peasants are revolting - Die Zwölf Artikel'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'A nostalgic fantasy scenario for all ages - Eagle omelettes'. 
  • Garry Wills, 'Assaulting Fort Mulgrave, 16-17 December, 1793 - Napoleon at little Gibraltar'.
  • Alex Sotheran, 'A Great War mini campaign at Messines Ridge - Bite and hold'.
  • Davis Hiscocks, 'Let us go inland and get killed: 6 June, 1944 - Opening up Omaha'.
  • Alberto Mateos Jurado, 'Painting a gladiator with non-metallic metals - Morituri te salutant'.
  • Chris King, 'Faster, better, more - Prepare for battle!'.
  • Miniature reviews
  • Richard Clarke, 'Up front - And a new one has just begun...'.
  • Colin Farrant, 'The Irregular - Go write a scenario!'.
  • Joe Mealy, 'When two prehistoric tribes go to war... - Let's play Tribal Conquest'. 
  • Jon Freeman, Eoghan Kelly, Chris King, and Robert Lister, 'Game reviews - Bronze Shield, Silver Coin, Armies of Germany (supplement for 3rd edition Bolt Action), Corps Command IV, and The Wars of the Roses (supplement for Hail Caesar)'.
  • Book reviews
  • Parting shots

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