Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 82

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In this issue of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, we look at WWII battles and campaigns fought in Egypt, Libya and the Levant.

Theme: WWII in the desert
  • Guy Bowers, 'The Italian war in the desert - Mancó la fortuna, non il valore'.
  • Warwick Kinrade, 'Representing the Regio Esercito on the tabletop - Making Mussolini's men'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'Black Ops mini campaign in WWII North Africa - "Crystal Palace would look small fry..."'.
  • Arnold Blumberg, 'The Battle of Bir el Gubi - The ram defeats the lion'.
  • Eoghan Kelly, 'The Battle for Kissoué, 15 June 1941 - A mixed show'.
  • Guy Bowers, 'Building Mussolini's army in Africa - The Regio Escercito'.
  • Andres Amian and Philip Cocking, 'High tide for the Axis in Egypt - Duel in the desert'.
  • Arvid Kappe, 'A Frostgrave three-part mini campaign - A howl in the darkness'.
  • Pat Lowinger, 'A Bronze Age supplement for Lion Rampant - Chariot Rampant'.
  • Michael Leck, 'Swedish steel in the conquest of the Baltic - The Swedish crusades'.
  • Gary Mitchell, ' A 25mm-ish zombie skirmish scenario - Pride, prejudice, and zombies'.
  • Ruben Torregrosa, 'Painting Deutsches Afrika Korps - A closer look at the DAK'.
  • Stephen Tunmore, 'Modelling realistic water on the tabletop - Water, water everywhere...'.
  • Rick Priestley, 'This Gaming Life’.
  • Richard Clarke, 'Up front'.
  • Jamie Gordon, 'The irregular - Computer dat... err, gaming'.
  • Rick Hudson, 'Hard Sci-Fi from Warlord Games - Let's play Beyond the Gates of Antares'.
  • Miniature reviews
  • Game Reviews of Honours of War, Skirmish Outbreak, Dragon Rampant and Tail Feathers.
  • Book reviews
  • Parting Shots

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