Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 108

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In this issue, we take a look at the closing days of World War II, with German forces on both the eastern and western fronts fighting a desperate losing battle against the advancing allies.

Theme: The fall of the Third Reich
  • Warwick Kinrade and Piers Brand, 'The fall of Hitler's Thousand Year Reich - Götterdämmerung'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'The Americans push into Western Germany - Treachery at Troisdorf'.
  • Piers Brand, 'Old men and boys versus the mighty Red Army - The road to Starpel'.
  • Nick Skinner, 'Action at the Vossberg sugar factory, 15 April 1945 - A spoonful of sugar'.
  • Guy Bowers, 'Collecting a late WWII German force - Twilight of the Third Reich'.
  • Ben Macintyre, 'Painting a Late-War German vignette - The end of days'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'A hangry French army with trouble on its heels - Blisters and peaches'.
  • Jeff Jonas, 'A long winding road to the early Successors - Crossover ancients'.
  • Ken Butt, 'A blue and grey battle over the rails - Tuxedo junction'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'João I of Portugal versus Juan I of Spain, 1385 - The Battle of Aljubarrota'.
  • Rubén Torregrosa, 'How to paint Spanish tercios in 28mm - Steel, lace, and black powder'.
  • Tony Harwood, 'Civing some TLC to a pair of second-hand buildings - Dandied up Dark Ages'.
  • Miniature reviews
  • Richard Clarke, 'Up front - Wargaming with the lurgy'.
  • Henry Hyde, 'Tabletop tactics - Coup d'oeil in wargaming'.
  • Stephen Tunmore, 'The Irregular - There's an article in that'.
  • Chris King, 'Warlord's warship fleet action game - Let's play Victory at Sea'.
  • David Davies and James Oram, 'Game reviews - Battlegroup Northag, Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age, Muskets and Tomahawks II, and Campaign: Stalingrad (a Bolt Action supplement)'.
  • Book reviews
  • Parting shots

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